I'm still alive! I'm still making things. Sometimes. Slowly. With many, many interruptions and long periods of drought where I forget I even have a craft studio in the basement and that I used to document my made things on a blog. Does anyone even read blogs that aren't monetized, with carefully curated photos, and amazing video tutorials? Probably not. That's why I've started using Instagram lately. But I started this blog as a crafting journal of sorts for myself, so why not continue adding to it when time allows? Right? I just went back and found a post for the Sophia Carry-All I made my daughter ten years ago. Ten. Years. Ago. She still tries to pack it for trips even though it's the size of a purse on her now! But, it made me want to make a new one. I love looking back and remembering the things I've made. * Recently, we had the opportunity to travel to Paris. My middle son dances ballroom and apparently competes internationally now. H...