Thought this could have been a cute picture by the playset. I was wrong. Still, it is a nice full view of the dress, especially the sleeves, don't you think. [Click to see a larger version for the full effect of the face] ļ»æ This is the part, where she tries to melt the dress off without touching it because her arms can't take the torture of the soft, light, warmth of poly-fil. I'm the meanest mom. ļ»æ I decided to make a princess costume for my 2nd grader the night before the school's Renaissance Fair. Yes. It makes sense to do this, you see, because had I planned to do it a week before, it would not have been realistic. After all, where would I find the time to delve into such a preposterous project. I would have to look for patterns for hours, pick the best one, then search for fabrics for hours, this would take several trips to the fabric store to find just the right fabrics, not to mention timing my purchase just right to take advantage of sales. And t...