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Showing posts from February, 2013

Crib bumper

Occasionally, I take custom orders to make things like crib sets. Here is a crib bumper I finished last night. So cute. Remind me to post more crib bedding sets.   Fabric: Clouds by Gunila AxĆ©n Bead Stripe in Gray Fabric by Lotta Jansdotterļ»æ

Chef outfit

Pattern: Ottobre 1/12013 #17 Chef Emil jacket, #18 King of the Kitchen hat, #19 Relazed pants Fabric: Thick white rodeo cotton 1.375 yds $6.59 (JoAnn Fabrics), 70% polyester/30% cotton black gingham check 3/4 yd (~ $4.00 Hancock Fabrics) Notions: 7 blue buttons for jacket, 3 tan buttons for pants, elastic for back of pant's waitband Total Cost: ~$11.00 Size: 104cm jacket, 52cm hat, 92cm pants Child's Age: 3 --------------------------------------------------------- I decided to make this chef's outfit for Super Disgusting's 3rd birthday because he's at that age where he loves playing with the toy kitchen and bringing me orders of food.  Also because I'm up to my eyeballs in plastic toys that are literally going to put me in the looney house and I had no desire to buy him any more.  So he gets the hand-me-down plastic play kitchen and a new chef outfit.  Is that lame?  It's all about managing expectations. Right? I made the smallest siz...

More undies

Aren't those knock knees impressive Pattern: Ottobre 6/2010 Pikkumies #16 Fabric: Old onesies Fabric Price: almost nothing Notions: FOE (fold over elastic. I'm still trying to remember what it means) Size: 92cm Child's Age: 5 ---------------------------------------- After perusing the isle of JoAnn Fabrics for some cute knit fabrics to make more boy undies, I found nothing.  Surprise, surprise.  I was also in the process of cleaning out Super Disgusting's dresser now that he no longer needs diapers, wipes or onesies.  Yes, I make them wear onesies until the furthest point possible.  I don't like diaper fabric showing up from the pant's waistline, messy shirts, and irritated tummy skin.  Also, I don't like to give them ANY opportunity to find out what goes on in their diaper.  It's a very effective strategy. Anyway .... onesies.  What to do with all these cute onesies.  It dawned on me, I could make underwear...